October 2017

THE FOURTH ONE-DAY TRAINING FOR TEACHERS IN SARAJEVO CANTON: "Communication and Individual Cooperation of Teachers and Parents"

In Sarajevo, October 18. 2017, TPO has organized third one-day trainig for teachers in building their capacity in successful communication and individual cooperation with parents. Training was held in Sarajevo primary school "Edhem Mulabdic" and lead by Esmir Salihović, school pedagogue and Berminka Hrelja, specialist in traumatic psychology and system family psychotherapist. During their work, teachers form primary schools "Dzemaludin Causevic" from Sarajevo and "9. Elementary school" from Rakovica had the opportunity to jointly discuss past practices and experiences in working and communicating with parents.

In order to strength complete school staff, the participants were introduced to the new possibilities and ways of successfully cooperation between the schools and the parents as well as the techniques of individual empowerment to make the most productive communication with pupils and parents. These activities are being realized within three-years project CHILDREN ARE YOUR MIRROR: Prevention of peer and gender-based violence in B&H schools in cooperation with the Ministrys of education, culture and sport of Herzegovina-Neretva Canton, Sarajevo Canton and Central Bosnia Canton as well as thirty partner primary schools.